Hi all, charming title, I know. I can tell from my page hit counters that my blog isn't very interesting ;) Oh well, I'll keep posting, just for fun, I even have a few new pictures for you all. I just worked a 10 hour day, not fun to say the least... I know plenty of people work like that everyday, but they usually arn't frail nerds more at home behind a computer than in a hot kitchen cooking countless A&W hamburgers. Not that I'm complaining, the management at my A&W is pretty cool. Although I suppose anyone on this page just wants to see pictures and doesn't care about my poor miserable day, hehe. So here are the pictures, not much today, sorry, I was near water and the mosquitos were horrible. Just a side note, I'm going to give anyone who doesn't already have it my email address soon, just in case you have something to say.

I can't imagine working a 10 hour day... I agree that mosquitoes are nasty, but my bites disapear after about one day so they don't bother me that much. :D Anyway, perdyful pictures. WATER! YAY
Thanks for looking "Shell", I'm afraid water isn't the most interesting subject, but I was bored. :)
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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