This is a shot taken out of my car window. Just a tip, taking pictures out of car windows sucks. This is the only one that turned out even a little bit decent.

This is a squirrel with red-eye. Cute, I know, haha.

This is a bird on a beach I was at. Interesting story there. As I was photographing this bird, a guy started yelling at me for taking pictures of people on the beach. Now I was just taking pictures of the bird, and I figured it didn't mind me invading it's privacy, but when I tried to explain this to the guy, I realized he was quite drunk. One of the local beach-dwellers helped me out though, so it was all good.

HAHAHAHA thats a funny story. I laugh at you. Lots. Nice pictures though. Squirrels are scary though, and birds rock.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
The bird is a seagull :)
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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