Friday, March 28, 2008


Hey all,

I have decided it is once again time for a post. And by that I mean, I don't want to start my homework, so I'm doing this instead. I am currently on easter break, so that's pretty nice. I slept until 10:30 today... and that is the first time in memory that I've done that. Usually even on days off I'm up by 8.

Most of my free time has been spent playing videogames. I got this new game on March 9th, and as of today, I have spent 60 hours on it. It's kind of scary. Oh well. I have also been working on a large bio project. I did decide I had to get out of the house at least once, so I went to a movie called "The Bank Job" with my friend. Just as a warning, it is rather inappropriate. Do not take small children. At least the plot was good...

Anyways, I have some more pictures from Hawaii!!!

I really liked this picture because of the way the light hit the palm trees. Hopefully someone else likes it too.

These are some crazy fish. They'd swim in big packs and go insane if you threw bread in. I have a few videos of them hopping all over the place trying to get to the food.

This is a cool looking bird called a Java Sparrow. This one was standing around playing with the little tangle of weeds that it's biting for about 2 minutes. Plenty of time to take pictures of it.

This is a Komodo Dragon in the zoo. It actually moved quite quickly and I wasn't able to get a full body shot.

Anyways, that's it for today.

God Bless,

Friday, March 07, 2008

Hawaii Post

Hey everyone!

I've been back from Hawaii for awhile now, so I figure it's about time for me to get a blog post up with some of my pictures. I've been a little bit busy settling back into things at home but I am caught up in school (and my marks didn't even drop!) so now I am quite a bit less busy. Anyways, on with the pictures.

This was taken from the hotel pool (on the second floor of the hotel). I was playing with time lapse photos and thats how I got the wierd red lights on the road.
This is the state fish of Hawaii and one of my only good shots of a fish. This thing is called a Hunahunanukanukakauapua (and I probably spelt that wrong). Why anyone would use a name that long is beyond me.
This is something I think the world needs to see. I want one of these. No, I want a whole colony of these. It appears to be a duck with a lions mane. Wow. Anyways, this isn't native to Hawaii. It was in the zoo and apparently comes from Asia somewhere.

This is Waikiki beach where the tourists flock. It is very nice and there are relative few things in the water that can kill you. Although we did come across a pretty freaky looking sea urchin at one point.
I have many more which may come in future blog posts. This is it for today though.
God Bless,