Thursday, June 21, 2007

Well, they are not that bad

Hey everyone, as you can tell from my topic title, I don't have anything that amazing for you today. These are just a few shots I got at the lake. I didn't have my zoom extender, which pretty much means my bird pictures are fairly distant. Oh well, I did what I could. Here they are.

Speaking from a photographers perspective, this is a pretty bad picture. It has no subject. It just looks kind of neat, so I figured I'd post it.

This is a bit better. It is quite plainly a bird. A female red-winged black bird I think. I seem to have a lot of these up, they are among the bravest birds at the lake right now. This one isn't a bad pose, unfortunately the one I got of him flapping his wings was too blurry to post.

Anyways, thats it for today. Hopefully I'll have more eventually.

God Bless,

Monday, June 18, 2007

A few pictures

Well so much for updating every two days, eh? Haha. I don't even know where the time has went. I've gotten a new summer job and so it's busy preparing for that, along with studying for school, thankfully after my wednesday exam, I'm done for the year! I've also been reading quite a bit. I just got Catcher in the Rye... seems interesting so far, if somewhat odd.

Anyways, onto the pictures.

This is a bird. A female red-winged blackbird if I'm not mistaken.

I'm not sure what all these are, they were quite far away from me. I think I can safely say the top-right is a red-winged blackbird. The top-left probably is too, but I can't be sure. The one on the tree... probably a crow. Anyways, they were fighting and I thought it was cool.

This is a subpar deer picture. The deer are very hard to get a clear shot of. I found this one interesting because of the antler-like growths. I'm looking forward to seeing these guys with full-grown antlers.

Anyways, thats it. God Bless,

Monday, June 04, 2007

Some more pictures!

Well I have gotten out and taken a few more. And one of them isn't even a bird this time. Which is surprising, I seem to take a lot of birds. However, I will save that one for last. First up, I will show you a picture of a Canadian Goose. They also live in the USA... go figure. Anyways, they are very shy birds, even with my camera, this shot was as close as I could get. They like to keep a good 10 meters between me and them. They also have the most annoying babies on the planet. At least I think it was a baby, it had similar colouring, and basically flew around me in wide circles screeching loudly.
Here is my less birdish picture. This is a Richardson's Ground Squirrel, commonly known as a gopher. They are widely considered pests because the holes they dig trip up cattle and humans. Apparently hunting them is popular, but I could never do it. And you would never expect the call these little guys make. It's an incredibly high pitched whistling sound, I managed to catch it right while it made the noise, hence the gaping mouth.

Hopefully I will have some more in the next few days, but until then, enjoy. Oh yes, one more thing to mention. LEAVE COMMENTS PEOPLE! I like reading them. :)
God Bless,

Saturday, June 02, 2007

People still read this?

Well, shockingly enough, my counter is still showing several hits every day. Thank you very much to all my dedicated viewers. All 3 of you. 2 on some days. :) I realize my posts are getting kind of rare, and I apologize profusely for that. Now that it's summer, I plan to post a bit more often. But I am quite busy. I have recently gotten a job at a grocery store and so now I have that on top of schoolwork. Yay!
Anyways, yesterday I managed to take some more pictures, including one of the ever elusive bluebird, which some of you might remember from last year. (Maybe, if any of the people reading this read last year). They are all birds today... because I kind of love birds.
This is the bluebird. Probalby my best shot ever of him. And still not as good as I'd like. Oh well, he is certainly very pretty.

This is one of the blackbirds that is nesting at a lake near my house. They are very pretty, and they have this crazy warbling call that makes me laugh. This one is a Yellow-headed Blackbird, named for the fact that it has a yellow head.

This is another one of the blackbirds. Cleverly named a Red-winged blackbird. Because it has red wings. No, I'm not making these names up, I actually looked up the birds. If you need more proof, it's official name is Agelaius Phoeniceus.
I believe this is the same species as the above blackbird. Yes, I know they look different. But if you look closely at this shot, there is a tinge of red on the top of it's wings. This is the female while the above is the male. Which makes sense, seeing as they were in the same area.
Anyways, that is all for today. Enjoy.
God Bless,