Well I have gotten out and taken a few more. And one of them isn't even a bird this time. Which is surprising, I seem to take a lot of birds. However, I will save that one for last. First up, I will show you a picture of a Canadian Goose. They also live in the USA... go figure. Anyways, they are very shy birds, even with my camera, this shot was as close as I could get. They like to keep a good 10 meters between me and them. They also have the most annoying babies on the planet. At least I think it was a baby, it had similar colouring, and basically flew around me in wide circles screeching loudly.
Here is my less birdish picture. This is a Richardson's Ground Squirrel, commonly known as a gopher. They are widely considered pests because the holes they dig trip up cattle and humans. Apparently hunting them is popular, but I could never do it. And you would never expect the call these little guys make. It's an incredibly high pitched whistling sound, I managed to catch it right while it made the noise, hence the gaping mouth.
Hopefully I will have some more in the next few days, but until then, enjoy. Oh yes, one more thing to mention. LEAVE COMMENTS PEOPLE! I like reading them. :)
God Bless,
Those are awesome. =] ESPECIALLY the gopher. The holes ARE pretty annoying though! I remember trippin' over them all the time, and once my leg went down a really big one and I was scared a gopher was gonna come and bite me! Anywayz...
Awesome gopher, and the Canadian Geese are super awesome too. They just aren't making an unbelievably cute face. =]
PS. I have been commenting on your other bloggie post thingie whatcha-micallims, but I forget to sign. =]
Hi Keilan,
I may not post, but I AM a dedicated viewer! I enjoy your pictures, you're very talented! Also, I like to hear what's going on in your life. By the way, what grocery store are you working at?
Say hi to your family for me. Tell your brother if you guys come visit I may just have some "secrets" for him. Well, maybe you too!
Auntie Emily
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