Saturday, June 02, 2007

People still read this?

Well, shockingly enough, my counter is still showing several hits every day. Thank you very much to all my dedicated viewers. All 3 of you. 2 on some days. :) I realize my posts are getting kind of rare, and I apologize profusely for that. Now that it's summer, I plan to post a bit more often. But I am quite busy. I have recently gotten a job at a grocery store and so now I have that on top of schoolwork. Yay!
Anyways, yesterday I managed to take some more pictures, including one of the ever elusive bluebird, which some of you might remember from last year. (Maybe, if any of the people reading this read last year). They are all birds today... because I kind of love birds.
This is the bluebird. Probalby my best shot ever of him. And still not as good as I'd like. Oh well, he is certainly very pretty.

This is one of the blackbirds that is nesting at a lake near my house. They are very pretty, and they have this crazy warbling call that makes me laugh. This one is a Yellow-headed Blackbird, named for the fact that it has a yellow head.

This is another one of the blackbirds. Cleverly named a Red-winged blackbird. Because it has red wings. No, I'm not making these names up, I actually looked up the birds. If you need more proof, it's official name is Agelaius Phoeniceus.
I believe this is the same species as the above blackbird. Yes, I know they look different. But if you look closely at this shot, there is a tinge of red on the top of it's wings. This is the female while the above is the male. Which makes sense, seeing as they were in the same area.
Anyways, that is all for today. Enjoy.
God Bless,


Anonymous said...


The blue bird is especially pretty, but I likeded all of them. =] I am glad you're taking more pictures soooooon. :P

KeilanS said...

Yay, comments!

I even have more pictures for tomorrow! Maybe, if I feel like posting them.

Still Kick'en said...

I especially like the bird pics. That blue bird is so extra beautiful! Thank you for posting them :)