This is a pelican, hard to catch flying, but I did what I could.

Here it is landed and giving me time to take a shot, a beautiful bird it is. I wish I could have taken some shots of it eating.

Speaking of eating, these 3 ducks have their tails in the air as they dive down for some grub!

This is a duck with her two ducklings... I just love baby animals, what can I saw, they're adorable.

Another duck, they really are beautiful when you take the time to look at them. I hope you can see them as beautiful just from these pictures!

This plant is wierd... the picture is wierd... it looks strange at the bottom... I don't know what to make of this one.

Another plant thingy, not my best, but a picture none the less!

I hope you all enjoyed these shots,
God Bless!
Nice pictures. I like the pelly and ducks especially.... Whoa, YOU were taking pictures of DUCKS?! So... I guess they aren't as horrible as you say in that little thingie-mi-bob that you typed up. Anyyyway. Nice pictures.
FOTD member,
Don't worry young Shell, ducks are still evil, but they can also be cute. It's part of the disguise.
Great shots! I like the pelican in flight picture!
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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