Wednesday, July 05, 2006

No Pictures today :(

Hey everyone, as the title said, I haven't had time to take any pictures recently. Real life disagrees with free time as it happens. However, I do have something for you. It's a daily devotional that I've been getting for awhile, written by a man named John Fischer. He's an excellent writer and I highly recommend his devotional. If you have the time (it's about a page long), I hope you'll give it a read.

Click Here


Anonymous said...

I read it. It brings up a good point. And, now I would say something deep and meaningful about it... But, I don't really know what to say about it except for that I really like the message it's giving... And... yeah. I especially liked that last little paragraph.

"Who knows? Maybe the Dodger dog guy was a great father who loved God with all his heart, but real stuff like that rarely gets into the newspaper. It only gets into heaven."


KeilanS said...

I like it too, I think it's a good symbol of how everything in life is so dependant on popularity, money, etc. And nobody really cares about what kind of person you are, except for those closest to you.