This is me, in the mirror, with my beautiful Kodak P850 Super-zoom camera. This is going to be my new profile image. Yes, I have long blonde hippy hair, and yes, I did hide most of my face on purpose.

For this photo, I have to give credits to the photographer, a Mr. Ted S., now I don't have expressed permission to use this photo, but he's my dad. Permission is being assumed. This is a picture of my dads fine motorcycle and, in the bottom-left, Mount Rushmore.

Keilan... it's sideways... is it supposed to be sideways??
I honestly didn't notice that up first, I was so out of it. And to be honest Anonymous, I'm not sure who you are, but on second thought, that was a horrible shot. Give my dad some credit, he was using a camera phone... and I have no idea why it's sideways.
It was me.... Couldn't you tell....? Anyway I was just wondering why it is sideways, I'm not the one saying it's a horrible shot. YOU should be the one giving your poor dad some credit. Camera phones do take AWFUL photos.
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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