I'm sorry for the long wait, between traveling, laziness and being away from my computer, I just didn't get around to posting. But I'm home now, so it's fine. I have about 600 pictures from my trip, but I'm sure I will cut that down a lot by the time I look through them. I also went through 3 batteries on my MP3 player (about 18 hours of music a battery... hehe). Well here are some of my shots.
This is one of the several bajillion dragonflies on my aunt and uncles dock.

This is a lily-pad flower, they only bloom during the day and randomly vanish at night.

This is a pretty purple cluster of flowers, I found lots of nice flowers in Victoria.

This is a blackberry. Well at least it will be. Most of them are green and some of them are red, all are incredibly sour until they turn black and juicy. We were there in the wrong season, no blackberries... :(

Lily pads have such pretty flowers!! We saw one on our vacation, right at the dock. It was so pretty! But it looked kinda out of place with all those weeds... Anyway, awesome pictures. :)
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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