Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Working with what I have

Hello everyone! Today what I bring to you is a combination of two things. The first being laziness, which is why I have no pictures. The second being that I want to justify the money I spent on my computer program to mess with pictures. So first, forgive me for not taking new pictures, and secondly enjoy these!

This one was put in a plastic wrap and then had the colours messed up. Quite a nice effect, haha.

This is my favourite turtle shot... I'm not entirely sure what I did to this one, I just pressed buttons.

This is just a really crazy effect. The computer said I was giving it glowing edges... I have no idea what that means, but it sure looks pretty.

Anyways, it's only fair to point out, that these took just about zero talent on my part. It was by God's grace alone that I managed to point the camera in the right place to get these shots, and some other computer smart guy that let me make them look all crazy like, haha.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed these, God Bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want your last picture. It's amazing. Superly duperly amazing.