These are 4 crows sitting on a street light... they're all looking at something... maybe it's the two little birds that are going to attack one of them (I didn't get a picture of that)...

This, I didn't take yesterday, it was a wierd flower that I found somewhere in BC.

And this is a duck. My friends on the message board I go to are never going to let me live this down... I hope they don't see it. However, all my other shots turned out bad, proving that ducks are indeed evil. :)

Well thats it for today I'm afraid. I have also been made aware that it is slightly confusing to leave comments.... so I will explain it. First you click on the text under the message that says "0 Comments" or however many comments there are at the time. It will then show all existing comments and have a space to type at the left, type your message there. Then underneath the message box, check the little circle that says Anonymous and then click the option to post your comment! You do not need a blogger account to do this.
God Bless!
I figured it out all on my own. :D SEE?! Anyway, I love ducks. DUCKS! And the crows were really cool too, how they all sat there so funnyishly. More pictures!! MORE!!
What's that rhyme for crows and magpies? One for sorrow, two for mirth, three for a funeral, four for a birth...
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