This is the Lethbridge Railroad Bridge... which as I've said before is our cities main attraction. I like this view better than the last one.

Now I have a confession to make for these pictures and probably all future ones.... I have learned how to put a picture into the computer... and change it to make it look prettier. However I can't post picture for you without telling you that they are deceiving. So here are two of my original pictures (left) and the same two after being edited (right). As you can see, the change is quite noticeable. Hopefully this means my horrible picture won't be quite as boring in the future. :)

God Bless,
Hi Keilan, this is your Uncle John. Just checked out your blog. Very good - enjoyed your commentary and your pictures! Not only are you good at photography but in a linguistic sense as well. Great writing and keep up the good work.
Ello. That picture with the bridge really does look great. Very purtiful. YAY TURTLES TOMORROW!!!
It's pretty cool how you are so comitted to your blog. ^_^ You post so frequently, it's really awesome. I have trouble just jotting a few words down in my diary each night. Please keep it up!
Thank you, Thank you!
Glad you liked it Uncle John, I figure that if my commentary is bad then my pictures probably arn't enough to get anyone to come back! So I'm glad to hear it.
And to Anonymous, sometimes it isn't easy posting this frequently, I don't always have pictures! I try to get a post in every 2 days, but you'd better get used to close ups of household items!
Hey Keil,
Awesome blog!! This is your little zio Roc. Keep it up as I too am learning about our awesome city.
zio Roc
Hmm...Awsome city. somehow that just doesn't seem to compute. this place is mucho boring most of the time.
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