Anyways, I was checking outside for the moon every 10 minutes or so starting at 8:00. So when I saw it outside, completely orange, my reaction was almost tripping over myself to get my camera before the clouds covered it. I didn't get many good pictures of it while orange, I was still playing with settings at this time. But here is one of my better ones.

This is a picture I took while I was waiting for the clouds to go away. I made the moon very very bright so that the clouds would be viewable.

And this is one of the 60+ pictures I took when the moon was above the clouds. It was an excellent full moon last night as you can see!!

Anyways, I have some photographer friends that I have to show these too, God Bless!
After carefully scrutinizing your photos... Brittany and I have come to a conclusion. Excellent photos, and we're extremely jealous of your photographical talents (and we're not quite sure if that makes sense, but roll with it). Hurry up and post some more pictures. RIGHT NOW! Yes, that was an order.
Keilan, I just love the talents God has given you!
Do you happen to have hummingbirds there to snap?
Keep up the great work - Pet the Duck
Wow! Great moon photos!
Keilan,I love your photography. And your writing style is very amusing and catchy.
One thing, if you added the option to have anonymous users type in a code before posting a comment, you would avoid that person who is spamming and advertising.
Keep up the good work!
Wow, requests for more, I'm honoured! Well as you can see, my most recent message isn't really that great for more. I'm running out of subjects, haha!
But I will get more soon with any luck!
God Bless you all!
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