Here it is, a little bit small, but this is so that I can actually carry it around.

Okay, so no good tripod is that small. Heres my tripod in it's full glory, hehe. I feel like a kid in a candy store.

Okay, so I probably won't get that many pictures that I wouldn't have gotten before now that I have this tripod... but it is such a cool tripod. Here are two old shots, I hope these arn't repeats.
This is a heron I found in BC... I have a sneaking feeling this is a repeat... forgive me if so.

Here is a beautiful butterfly in BC. I quite like this one.

Anyways, I hope to get new shots soon. Once I have some time and the weather behaves, I plan on going to some wetland park thingy near Lethbridge, I should get some then.
God Bless!
Awww, nice tripod. Though that tile floor looks exceptionally cold. My toes are cold just looking at it... BRRR....
Hehe. You already posted both the butterfly picture and the birdy picture.
Lucky you then, eh? You get to see them twice! :)
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