Greetings anyone who still checks this page!
I have not blogged in a very long time, but I am attempting to start up again. I have most recently woven a thrilling tale of how I need to use Facebook less. And also some pictures.
So if you'd like to see my new stuff, I am now located here:
I'll try not to never update it.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Saturday, July 04, 2009
I know it has been ages since my last blog post, but I have not in fact forgotten about the existence of it. So here I am!
Life has been very busy, partially with my second semester of university and following that, with work. I have been working at the university doing research in the computer science department, which is definitely fairly exciting.
Now, I did not want to not post any pictures, but was left with a dilemma as I have taken no pictures. I did however, create this as I was bored of my old facebook profile. So I am posting it. I offer no explanation or apologies for the picture, as I am not entirely certain what influenced me in making it.

Finally, hello to A E and A L. I know you're watching. :)
I know it has been ages since my last blog post, but I have not in fact forgotten about the existence of it. So here I am!
Life has been very busy, partially with my second semester of university and following that, with work. I have been working at the university doing research in the computer science department, which is definitely fairly exciting.
Now, I did not want to not post any pictures, but was left with a dilemma as I have taken no pictures. I did however, create this as I was bored of my old facebook profile. So I am posting it. I offer no explanation or apologies for the picture, as I am not entirely certain what influenced me in making it.

Finally, hello to A E and A L. I know you're watching. :)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Hello all!
Hey there, if anyone is still reading this. I have been quite busy, as I'm sure you can tell by the fact that I haven't posted anything. At all. Sadly this won't be a very exciting post, but I figured I'd show you what I've been up to the last few days. Also, university went great, the first semester was a blast and I'm ready to head back for round two.
Anyways, I've been playing with a new operation system called Ubuntu. One of it's features involves a built-in spellcheck, which is showing me just how terrible my spelling really is. :P
So I'll show you briefly what it looks like. This is my desktop.

So not too different from your standard Windows desktop. Not very pretty yet either, I'm going to change those grey bars soon. Oh, did I not mention? In Ubuntu you can change anything. Yes that's right, anything. At least as far as I can tell. :P For example, I have no doubt I could change all my desktop icons into little labelled flowers. I'm not sure why I'd want to, but I could.
Anyways, this is where it starts getting cool. If my first desktop gets too cluttered (this is a 13" laptop. it happens) I switch to my second desktop. Or my third or fourth. And if I wanted, I could have 50. :P I do this using a rotating cube.

There it is. As you can see, I am viewing one site on the left face and another on the right face. And underneat them, you can see the back of a window opened on the third face. As always, this is infinitely customizable. Want a triangle instead of a cube? Check. Or a 17 sided object? Check. Or the background, it can be whatever you want. Mine is a forest.
Okay, I'm probably boring you. Unless you're a computer enthusiast who stumbled on this blog by mistake. So last picture.

This is one of my windows burning up. Obviously it looks smoother when it's moving. When I hit the X in the corner, my windows burn up. Or fall over backwarps, or beam up into space, or explode into fragments. Whatever I want really. :P
Anyways, that is my recent time-waster. I'll let you go back to your lives now.
God Bless,
Anyways, I've been playing with a new operation system called Ubuntu. One of it's features involves a built-in spellcheck, which is showing me just how terrible my spelling really is. :P
So I'll show you briefly what it looks like. This is my desktop.
So not too different from your standard Windows desktop. Not very pretty yet either, I'm going to change those grey bars soon. Oh, did I not mention? In Ubuntu you can change anything. Yes that's right, anything. At least as far as I can tell. :P For example, I have no doubt I could change all my desktop icons into little labelled flowers. I'm not sure why I'd want to, but I could.
Anyways, this is where it starts getting cool. If my first desktop gets too cluttered (this is a 13" laptop. it happens) I switch to my second desktop. Or my third or fourth. And if I wanted, I could have 50. :P I do this using a rotating cube.

There it is. As you can see, I am viewing one site on the left face and another on the right face. And underneat them, you can see the back of a window opened on the third face. As always, this is infinitely customizable. Want a triangle instead of a cube? Check. Or a 17 sided object? Check. Or the background, it can be whatever you want. Mine is a forest.
Okay, I'm probably boring you. Unless you're a computer enthusiast who stumbled on this blog by mistake. So last picture.

This is one of my windows burning up. Obviously it looks smoother when it's moving. When I hit the X in the corner, my windows burn up. Or fall over backwarps, or beam up into space, or explode into fragments. Whatever I want really. :P
Anyways, that is my recent time-waster. I'll let you go back to your lives now.
God Bless,
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Hello to all!
Well, much to my surprise, people still look at this. The page view count is slowly going up by about 3 views a week. It must be depressing for my dedicated viewers that I go months without a post. I'm sorry!
So I have decided to show some of the most heroic pictures ever to be taken. As you will soon see, these pictures contain both a fedora and a guitar. Sorry, I don't do autographs. :)
So I have decided to show some of the most heroic pictures ever to be taken. As you will soon see, these pictures contain both a fedora and a guitar. Sorry, I don't do autographs. :)
Now wasn't that amazing?! I am quite proud of my new hat. Only cost me $19 too. My guitar was a bit more expensive. >_>
Anyways, life is going good for me. I am no longer employed, which means I will greatly enjoy the rest of my summer. I am also pretty pumped for university. Besides the $700 bill for textbooks alone. Yuck.
Well, hopefully I will update this again sooner rather than later.
God Bless,
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
It has been a long time
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the enormous gap between blog posts. I've been busy. That should end soon however, seeing as I am done high school as of tomorrow!
Anyways, I decided to post today in honour of my new laptop. Which is quite snazzy and what not. It makes blog posting faster and stuff. :)
Here are some pictures:

Anyways, I still have much to do in terms of setting it up. So I shall do that.
God Bless,
Sorry for the enormous gap between blog posts. I've been busy. That should end soon however, seeing as I am done high school as of tomorrow!
Anyways, I decided to post today in honour of my new laptop. Which is quite snazzy and what not. It makes blog posting faster and stuff. :)
Here are some pictures:

Anyways, I still have much to do in terms of setting it up. So I shall do that.
God Bless,
Friday, March 28, 2008
Hey all,
I have decided it is once again time for a post. And by that I mean, I don't want to start my homework, so I'm doing this instead. I am currently on easter break, so that's pretty nice. I slept until 10:30 today... and that is the first time in memory that I've done that. Usually even on days off I'm up by 8.
Most of my free time has been spent playing videogames. I got this new game on March 9th, and as of today, I have spent 60 hours on it. It's kind of scary. Oh well. I have also been working on a large bio project. I did decide I had to get out of the house at least once, so I went to a movie called "The Bank Job" with my friend. Just as a warning, it is rather inappropriate. Do not take small children. At least the plot was good...
Anyways, I have some more pictures from Hawaii!!!
I really liked this picture because of the way the light hit the palm trees. Hopefully someone else likes it too.
These are some crazy fish. They'd swim in big packs and go insane if you threw bread in. I have a few videos of them hopping all over the place trying to get to the food.
This is a cool looking bird called a Java Sparrow. This one was standing around playing with the little tangle of weeds that it's biting for about 2 minutes. Plenty of time to take pictures of it.
This is a Komodo Dragon in the zoo. It actually moved quite quickly and I wasn't able to get a full body shot.
Anyways, that's it for today.
God Bless,
I have decided it is once again time for a post. And by that I mean, I don't want to start my homework, so I'm doing this instead. I am currently on easter break, so that's pretty nice. I slept until 10:30 today... and that is the first time in memory that I've done that. Usually even on days off I'm up by 8.
Most of my free time has been spent playing videogames. I got this new game on March 9th, and as of today, I have spent 60 hours on it. It's kind of scary. Oh well. I have also been working on a large bio project. I did decide I had to get out of the house at least once, so I went to a movie called "The Bank Job" with my friend. Just as a warning, it is rather inappropriate. Do not take small children. At least the plot was good...
Anyways, I have some more pictures from Hawaii!!!
I really liked this picture because of the way the light hit the palm trees. Hopefully someone else likes it too.
These are some crazy fish. They'd swim in big packs and go insane if you threw bread in. I have a few videos of them hopping all over the place trying to get to the food.
This is a cool looking bird called a Java Sparrow. This one was standing around playing with the little tangle of weeds that it's biting for about 2 minutes. Plenty of time to take pictures of it.
This is a Komodo Dragon in the zoo. It actually moved quite quickly and I wasn't able to get a full body shot.
Anyways, that's it for today.
God Bless,
Friday, March 07, 2008
Hawaii Post
Hey everyone!
This was taken from the hotel pool (on the second floor of the hotel). I was playing with time lapse photos and thats how I got the wierd red lights on the road.
I've been back from Hawaii for awhile now, so I figure it's about time for me to get a blog post up with some of my pictures. I've been a little bit busy settling back into things at home but I am caught up in school (and my marks didn't even drop!) so now I am quite a bit less busy. Anyways, on with the pictures.
This was taken from the hotel pool (on the second floor of the hotel). I was playing with time lapse photos and thats how I got the wierd red lights on the road.
This is the state fish of Hawaii and one of my only good shots of a fish. This thing is called a Hunahunanukanukakauapua (and I probably spelt that wrong). Why anyone would use a name that long is beyond me.
This is something I think the world needs to see. I want one of these. No, I want a whole colony of these. It appears to be a duck with a lions mane. Wow. Anyways, this isn't native to Hawaii. It was in the zoo and apparently comes from Asia somewhere.
This is Waikiki beach where the tourists flock. It is very nice and there are relative few things in the water that can kill you. Although we did come across a pretty freaky looking sea urchin at one point.
I have many more which may come in future blog posts. This is it for today though.
God Bless,
Thursday, February 21, 2008
What a view!
Well I'm still in Hawaii, and I figured it was time for another blog post.

I've been taking plenty of pictures (and even a video of some crazy fish, more on that once I get home). Unfortunately I still can't really share the pictures because it takes so long to upload. I will put up one of the view from my hotel room.
Nice, eh? The only problem with being on such a high floor is that fact that approximately 92% of my vacation is spend waiting for, or being inside an elevator. And the elevators at the hotel are psychotic. They greatly enjoy randomly taking you to the floor one level higher than the one you want to be at. So we have walked the stairs from 16 to 15 countless times.
There are also tons of cool animals here. Beautiful birds are plentiful and we went snorkling yesterday where I saw some of the most amazing fish ever. I was half a foot away from a fish that was 2 feet long a few times. Very cool.
Anyways, that's all for today.
God Bless,
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Hello everyone!
One of the biggest problems a photographer faces is the lack of great equipment. I've shot 200 pictures in the last day, and not one of them turned out as well as what I see through my own two eyes. What I wouldn't give for a camera with as much clarity and depth of picture as the human eye. Alas, no such camera exists, and so you'll have to make due with the pictures I could take. Although I won't be uploading too many of them. This computer is very slow and so posting is pretty time consuming.
Here's the one I wanted to share with you today. This fine looking bird was walking down the shallows in the canal that runs through Honolulu. I think it's a heron, but I can't look it up until I get back home.

You may now take a moment to laugh at my thrown together copyright in the corner. This computer does not have the image software I'm used to. :)
Anyways, I am off to the pool.
God Bless,
One of the biggest problems a photographer faces is the lack of great equipment. I've shot 200 pictures in the last day, and not one of them turned out as well as what I see through my own two eyes. What I wouldn't give for a camera with as much clarity and depth of picture as the human eye. Alas, no such camera exists, and so you'll have to make due with the pictures I could take. Although I won't be uploading too many of them. This computer is very slow and so posting is pretty time consuming.
Here's the one I wanted to share with you today. This fine looking bird was walking down the shallows in the canal that runs through Honolulu. I think it's a heron, but I can't look it up until I get back home.
You may now take a moment to laugh at my thrown together copyright in the corner. This computer does not have the image software I'm used to. :)
Anyways, I am off to the pool.
God Bless,
Friday, January 25, 2008
Hey all,
I have not only run out of pictures, but of greetings as well. Oh well, I do have some good news on the picture front. I am going on vacation mid-february and I do plan to return with some photographic proof of my journey. Anyways, brief update on my life.
I have written my two diplomas (giant high school exams) for this quarter. Man that was fun. As expected, the math went well and the english was terrible. Meh, it's english, I don't care THAT much. Besides that, I have decided to change my university major from general science to physics education. I want to be more specialized, and physics is a good time (trust me).
Anyways, thats it for today. More after my vacation (maybe even sooner).
God Bless,
I have not only run out of pictures, but of greetings as well. Oh well, I do have some good news on the picture front. I am going on vacation mid-february and I do plan to return with some photographic proof of my journey. Anyways, brief update on my life.
I have written my two diplomas (giant high school exams) for this quarter. Man that was fun. As expected, the math went well and the english was terrible. Meh, it's english, I don't care THAT much. Besides that, I have decided to change my university major from general science to physics education. I want to be more specialized, and physics is a good time (trust me).
Anyways, thats it for today. More after my vacation (maybe even sooner).
God Bless,
Monday, December 03, 2007
I'm still alive!
Again, no pictures I'm afraid. I really just haven't been doing that much with the camera lately. I apologize. Although in my defence, it has just gotten very very cold. I had forgotten how cold -20 is... and it's supposed to get colder still. My car actually temporarily stopped working this Sunday, quite upsetting, dumb car. Oh well, I still love it (yes, I realize it is an inanimate object).
So, heres whats up in my life. School: Well I'm taking math and english right now. Math is great, especially the algebra based stuff, I love algebra. English on the other hand... words cannot express my hatrid of that class. I liked reading Hamlet, but besides that, it's pretty much an art class dressed up as English. Ick.
Besides english, school hasn't been bad. I'm looking forward to next quarter (Biology and Calculus! YA!). Anyways, enough rambling about me, I'm going to go google some pictures, just to make this post interesting.
This is a nautilus shell. It has some intense meaning in calculus. I'll get it someday. For now though, it looks kinda neat.

I got this from googling physics. It looks like a weird collection of atoms I think.
Well, to anyone who read this whole thing, thanks.
God Bless,
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Sorry everyone!
It's been two months. I know, I'm sorry! I realize nobody still checks this site, but maybe this will be read at some point. Anyways, Grade 12 has been busy and looking for scholarships and university info and all that, I've been busy. I don't even have new pictures for you all, I'm sorry!
I'll give a quick update on my life though. I'm in Chem right now, and boy is that fun. I can't wait until I'm done with it. I have also applied for university. General Science Education with Biology, Physics and Mathematics. It's kind of scary that unless I have some major change in plans I'll be a teacher... how can I become one of THEM? :)
School has been interesting, definately a shock after the summer but I've been there a month and a half, so I'm used to it again. Although like I said, it sure ups the stress meter. Lots of focus on diploma's and our future. I admit, it's hard to not get caught up in all of it. As important as a career is, I've only got 70 more years here or so (if I'm lucky), then I'm off to the next world for a lot longer. Although you know, I'd rather not have a miserable 70 years. :)
I have taken an interest in Virology, it's pretty awesome stuff. I'm reading a book called "The Hot Zone" on ebola right now. It is amazing stuff, although not for the faint of heart, I think I almost passed out reading about the finally stages of the virus. Scary yet fascinating stuff that is.
Anyways, I'm done for now. Maybe I'll take another picture eventually.
P.S. Everybody go and listen to "Everybody Jam" by Scatman John. Oh, and you don't have to steal it, you can listen on youtube too. Just search "Everybody Jam" and you should get it. It's an amazing song.
God Bless,
I'll give a quick update on my life though. I'm in Chem right now, and boy is that fun. I can't wait until I'm done with it. I have also applied for university. General Science Education with Biology, Physics and Mathematics. It's kind of scary that unless I have some major change in plans I'll be a teacher... how can I become one of THEM? :)
School has been interesting, definately a shock after the summer but I've been there a month and a half, so I'm used to it again. Although like I said, it sure ups the stress meter. Lots of focus on diploma's and our future. I admit, it's hard to not get caught up in all of it. As important as a career is, I've only got 70 more years here or so (if I'm lucky), then I'm off to the next world for a lot longer. Although you know, I'd rather not have a miserable 70 years. :)
I have taken an interest in Virology, it's pretty awesome stuff. I'm reading a book called "The Hot Zone" on ebola right now. It is amazing stuff, although not for the faint of heart, I think I almost passed out reading about the finally stages of the virus. Scary yet fascinating stuff that is.
Anyways, I'm done for now. Maybe I'll take another picture eventually.
P.S. Everybody go and listen to "Everybody Jam" by Scatman John. Oh, and you don't have to steal it, you can listen on youtube too. Just search "Everybody Jam" and you should get it. It's an amazing song.
God Bless,
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Hey all!
Well, as you all may have noticed, I have not posted in awhile. That is because I'm not taking many pictures right now. I did take a few today just to have something to show. And I didn't post a picture-less update because I haven't been doing anything too exciting! Mostly just working and reading books. Anyways, here are my pictures.
This is the bird-feeding area in my backyard.
This is a little house thing that my dad and brother built. We fill it with bird seed to attract the house sparrows (that is the bird seen in this picture and we rarely get anything else).
The seeds from the feeder fall down and that makes the bottom of the tree a popular eating spot for the birds.
And this is the feeder, which feeds the birds!
That's about it!
God Bless,
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I need to post more!
Hey everyone!
This time I don't have the excuse of being too busy. I've been fairly busy, but not enough that I don't have a few free hours in a day. Mostly I just haven't been taking pictures. Before I complained about too cold, but after a full month of 30-35 degree weather (85-90 fahrenheit for my american friends) with peaks at 40 degrees (just over 100), I am sick and tired of the heat.
On the bright side, my job is usually outdoors, so I prefer very hot over freezing wind and rain. Anyways, I'm sure you're sick and tired of hearing about me. But I'm not done yet. I also wanted to thank everyone who keeps coming here. Despite not having a post since July 9th, I have still had around 100 views between then and now. Not bad. Thank you everyone! I will reward you with some fairly decent pictures.
My family visited a place nearby where they keep birds and allow the public to view them. Mostly to view them panting (that is something I learnt, birds pant like dogs when they are warm, it's very cool to watch). So anyways, here are some of the pictures!
Here is an owl who happens to be squinting at me. I'm actually amazed at how this picture turned out considering the owl was in a dimly lit shelter hiding from the heat.
This is a golden eagle who was tied down out in the open. He didn't move too much but was VERY big. Probably 3 feet tall.
And finally, this is a bald eagle. This one was enormous and very threatening-looking. Thankfully it was tied down and couldn't take a bite out of me. It was nice to see one up close; the few times I have seen them in the wild they are at quite a distance.
That's it for today.
God Bless,
This time I don't have the excuse of being too busy. I've been fairly busy, but not enough that I don't have a few free hours in a day. Mostly I just haven't been taking pictures. Before I complained about too cold, but after a full month of 30-35 degree weather (85-90 fahrenheit for my american friends) with peaks at 40 degrees (just over 100), I am sick and tired of the heat.
On the bright side, my job is usually outdoors, so I prefer very hot over freezing wind and rain. Anyways, I'm sure you're sick and tired of hearing about me. But I'm not done yet. I also wanted to thank everyone who keeps coming here. Despite not having a post since July 9th, I have still had around 100 views between then and now. Not bad. Thank you everyone! I will reward you with some fairly decent pictures.
My family visited a place nearby where they keep birds and allow the public to view them. Mostly to view them panting (that is something I learnt, birds pant like dogs when they are warm, it's very cool to watch). So anyways, here are some of the pictures!
Here is an owl who happens to be squinting at me. I'm actually amazed at how this picture turned out considering the owl was in a dimly lit shelter hiding from the heat.
This is a golden eagle who was tied down out in the open. He didn't move too much but was VERY big. Probably 3 feet tall.
And finally, this is a bald eagle. This one was enormous and very threatening-looking. Thankfully it was tied down and couldn't take a bite out of me. It was nice to see one up close; the few times I have seen them in the wild they are at quite a distance.
That's it for today.
God Bless,
Monday, July 09, 2007
It's me again!
Hey everyone, sorry for the long time between updates. Now I will both post pictures and talk a bit about what I've been up to. I've been working at my new job, which involves helping with programs for kids. It is great fun and it is more like play than work. The perfect kind of job. I have great people to work with and the kids are great as well of course.
I'm also still working one shift a week at the grocery store, which isn't nearly as fun, but well, I wanted to keep that job too for school next year seeing as my new job is summer only. In other news, I've mostly been slacking off: reading, eating ice cream, etc. I just read a book called Fight Club which I just have to mention. It was probably the weirdest thing I've ever read. I wrote a bit more about it here if anyone is interested in a strange, depressing, horrifying book.
Anyways, enough about me. On to the pictures!
This one is long past due. It is a picture of my budgie whom I love very dearly. The picture isn't top quality as I couldn't use my flash (I don't want to blind the poor thing).
Next is a picture of a fire. Not particularly note-worthy I guess, but I love fire pictures. Fire is so pretty. :)
Here is a deer. They seem to get braver in summer and come right up to our fence. Although they still go running off when you get close enough to get a good picture.
And here is a little robin. I very much love birds, so I quite enjoy taking a picture of them. This little fellow was quite brave and hopped right up to me. So I took a picture.
God Bless,
I'm also still working one shift a week at the grocery store, which isn't nearly as fun, but well, I wanted to keep that job too for school next year seeing as my new job is summer only. In other news, I've mostly been slacking off: reading, eating ice cream, etc. I just read a book called Fight Club which I just have to mention. It was probably the weirdest thing I've ever read. I wrote a bit more about it here if anyone is interested in a strange, depressing, horrifying book.
Anyways, enough about me. On to the pictures!
This one is long past due. It is a picture of my budgie whom I love very dearly. The picture isn't top quality as I couldn't use my flash (I don't want to blind the poor thing).
Next is a picture of a fire. Not particularly note-worthy I guess, but I love fire pictures. Fire is so pretty. :)
Here is a deer. They seem to get braver in summer and come right up to our fence. Although they still go running off when you get close enough to get a good picture.
And here is a little robin. I very much love birds, so I quite enjoy taking a picture of them. This little fellow was quite brave and hopped right up to me. So I took a picture.
And that is all for today! I hope you enjoyed them.
God Bless,
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Well, they are not that bad
Hey everyone, as you can tell from my topic title, I don't have anything that amazing for you today. These are just a few shots I got at the lake. I didn't have my zoom extender, which pretty much means my bird pictures are fairly distant. Oh well, I did what I could. Here they are.
Speaking from a photographers perspective, this is a pretty bad picture. It has no subject. It just looks kind of neat, so I figured I'd post it.
This is a bit better. It is quite plainly a bird. A female red-winged black bird I think. I seem to have a lot of these up, they are among the bravest birds at the lake right now. This one isn't a bad pose, unfortunately the one I got of him flapping his wings was too blurry to post.
Anyways, thats it for today. Hopefully I'll have more eventually.
God Bless,
Speaking from a photographers perspective, this is a pretty bad picture. It has no subject. It just looks kind of neat, so I figured I'd post it.
This is a bit better. It is quite plainly a bird. A female red-winged black bird I think. I seem to have a lot of these up, they are among the bravest birds at the lake right now. This one isn't a bad pose, unfortunately the one I got of him flapping his wings was too blurry to post.
Anyways, thats it for today. Hopefully I'll have more eventually.
God Bless,
Monday, June 18, 2007
A few pictures
Well so much for updating every two days, eh? Haha. I don't even know where the time has went. I've gotten a new summer job and so it's busy preparing for that, along with studying for school, thankfully after my wednesday exam, I'm done for the year! I've also been reading quite a bit. I just got Catcher in the Rye... seems interesting so far, if somewhat odd.
Anyways, onto the pictures.
This is a bird. A female red-winged blackbird if I'm not mistaken.
I'm not sure what all these are, they were quite far away from me. I think I can safely say the top-right is a red-winged blackbird. The top-left probably is too, but I can't be sure. The one on the tree... probably a crow. Anyways, they were fighting and I thought it was cool.
This is a subpar deer picture. The deer are very hard to get a clear shot of. I found this one interesting because of the antler-like growths. I'm looking forward to seeing these guys with full-grown antlers.
Anyways, thats it. God Bless,
Anyways, onto the pictures.
This is a bird. A female red-winged blackbird if I'm not mistaken.
I'm not sure what all these are, they were quite far away from me. I think I can safely say the top-right is a red-winged blackbird. The top-left probably is too, but I can't be sure. The one on the tree... probably a crow. Anyways, they were fighting and I thought it was cool.
This is a subpar deer picture. The deer are very hard to get a clear shot of. I found this one interesting because of the antler-like growths. I'm looking forward to seeing these guys with full-grown antlers.
Anyways, thats it. God Bless,
Monday, June 04, 2007
Some more pictures!
Well I have gotten out and taken a few more. And one of them isn't even a bird this time. Which is surprising, I seem to take a lot of birds. However, I will save that one for last. First up, I will show you a picture of a Canadian Goose. They also live in the USA... go figure. Anyways, they are very shy birds, even with my camera, this shot was as close as I could get. They like to keep a good 10 meters between me and them. They also have the most annoying babies on the planet. At least I think it was a baby, it had similar colouring, and basically flew around me in wide circles screeching loudly.
Here is my less birdish picture. This is a Richardson's Ground Squirrel, commonly known as a gopher. They are widely considered pests because the holes they dig trip up cattle and humans. Apparently hunting them is popular, but I could never do it. And you would never expect the call these little guys make. It's an incredibly high pitched whistling sound, I managed to catch it right while it made the noise, hence the gaping mouth.
Hopefully I will have some more in the next few days, but until then, enjoy. Oh yes, one more thing to mention. LEAVE COMMENTS PEOPLE! I like reading them. :)
God Bless,
Saturday, June 02, 2007
People still read this?
Well, shockingly enough, my counter is still showing several hits every day. Thank you very much to all my dedicated viewers. All 3 of you. 2 on some days. :) I realize my posts are getting kind of rare, and I apologize profusely for that. Now that it's summer, I plan to post a bit more often. But I am quite busy. I have recently gotten a job at a grocery store and so now I have that on top of schoolwork. Yay!
Anyways, yesterday I managed to take some more pictures, including one of the ever elusive bluebird, which some of you might remember from last year. (Maybe, if any of the people reading this read last year). They are all birds today... because I kind of love birds.
This is the bluebird. Probalby my best shot ever of him. And still not as good as I'd like. Oh well, he is certainly very pretty.
This is one of the blackbirds that is nesting at a lake near my house. They are very pretty, and they have this crazy warbling call that makes me laugh. This one is a Yellow-headed Blackbird, named for the fact that it has a yellow head.
This is another one of the blackbirds. Cleverly named a Red-winged blackbird. Because it has red wings. No, I'm not making these names up, I actually looked up the birds. If you need more proof, it's official name is Agelaius Phoeniceus.
This is another one of the blackbirds. Cleverly named a Red-winged blackbird. Because it has red wings. No, I'm not making these names up, I actually looked up the birds. If you need more proof, it's official name is Agelaius Phoeniceus.
I believe this is the same species as the above blackbird. Yes, I know they look different. But if you look closely at this shot, there is a tinge of red on the top of it's wings. This is the female while the above is the male. Which makes sense, seeing as they were in the same area.
Anyways, that is all for today. Enjoy.
God Bless,
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Well on monday I found a hawk! It sat in the same place for about 45 minutes. Regrettably it didn't do anything crazy so I could get amazing pictures. Just sat infuriatingly close to the sun so I couldn't get a good shot. But whatever, I got some that don't suck horribly. And on the bright side, doing something crazy might involve swooping at me (It's happened to me before, I dont' recommend it). Anyways, here are the two shots I deemed good.
Anyways, I am off to go try and find it again (ya right, eh. I doubt I'll find it when I"m looking).
God Bless,
Anyways, I am off to go try and find it again (ya right, eh. I doubt I'll find it when I"m looking).
God Bless,
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