Monday, December 03, 2007

I'm still alive!

Again, no pictures I'm afraid. I really just haven't been doing that much with the camera lately. I apologize. Although in my defence, it has just gotten very very cold. I had forgotten how cold -20 is... and it's supposed to get colder still. My car actually temporarily stopped working this Sunday, quite upsetting, dumb car. Oh well, I still love it (yes, I realize it is an inanimate object).

So, heres whats up in my life. School: Well I'm taking math and english right now. Math is great, especially the algebra based stuff, I love algebra. English on the other hand... words cannot express my hatrid of that class. I liked reading Hamlet, but besides that, it's pretty much an art class dressed up as English. Ick.

Besides english, school hasn't been bad. I'm looking forward to next quarter (Biology and Calculus! YA!). Anyways, enough rambling about me, I'm going to go google some pictures, just to make this post interesting.
This is a nautilus shell. It has some intense meaning in calculus. I'll get it someday. For now though, it looks kinda neat.

I got this from googling physics. It looks like a weird collection of atoms I think.

This is a supernova. It's pretty looking and stuff.
Well, to anyone who read this whole thing, thanks.
God Bless,


Anonymous said...

Cool Stuff Brother!

Anonymous said...

I'll lend you some of my pics if you want. My camera can handle the cold, so I can get some pics for you.