Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sorry everyone!

It's been two months. I know, I'm sorry! I realize nobody still checks this site, but maybe this will be read at some point. Anyways, Grade 12 has been busy and looking for scholarships and university info and all that, I've been busy. I don't even have new pictures for you all, I'm sorry!

I'll give a quick update on my life though. I'm in Chem right now, and boy is that fun. I can't wait until I'm done with it. I have also applied for university. General Science Education with Biology, Physics and Mathematics. It's kind of scary that unless I have some major change in plans I'll be a teacher... how can I become one of THEM? :)

School has been interesting, definately a shock after the summer but I've been there a month and a half, so I'm used to it again. Although like I said, it sure ups the stress meter. Lots of focus on diploma's and our future. I admit, it's hard to not get caught up in all of it. As important as a career is, I've only got 70 more years here or so (if I'm lucky), then I'm off to the next world for a lot longer. Although you know, I'd rather not have a miserable 70 years. :)

I have taken an interest in Virology, it's pretty awesome stuff. I'm reading a book called "The Hot Zone" on ebola right now. It is amazing stuff, although not for the faint of heart, I think I almost passed out reading about the finally stages of the virus. Scary yet fascinating stuff that is.

Anyways, I'm done for now. Maybe I'll take another picture eventually.

P.S. Everybody go and listen to "Everybody Jam" by Scatman John. Oh, and you don't have to steal it, you can listen on youtube too. Just search "Everybody Jam" and you should get it. It's an amazing song.

God Bless,


Anonymous said...

Hello Kelian, I am interested in your work in the bakery, (as well as the other posted interests). Do you enjoy classical music -symphanies, concertos, et al?
Don't have a blog but found yours reading discussion at WORTHYBOARDS.

Anonymous said...

Great blog! Love keeping up with what has been going on and what you are up to.

God Bless.

Unknown said...

Neat pictures as always.
Just to cheer you on winter and snow, check out
Amazing photographs of snowflakes.
Love your aunt