Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hey all!

Well, as you all may have noticed, I have not posted in awhile. That is because I'm not taking many pictures right now. I did take a few today just to have something to show. And I didn't post a picture-less update because I haven't been doing anything too exciting! Mostly just working and reading books. Anyways, here are my pictures.
This is the bird-feeding area in my backyard.
This is a little house thing that my dad and brother built. We fill it with bird seed to attract the house sparrows (that is the bird seen in this picture and we rarely get anything else).
The seeds from the feeder fall down and that makes the bottom of the tree a popular eating spot for the birds.
And this is the feeder, which feeds the birds!
That's about it!
God Bless,


Unknown said...

Great pictures. You have such a good eye!

Me, ugh, I cannot take a picture to save my life.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My mom likes bird feeders a lot. We get lots of different birdies. Finches, mourning doves, blue jays, and other things.

She's bird-crazy. Cute birds. :)
