Sunday, February 17, 2008


Hello everyone!

One of the biggest problems a photographer faces is the lack of great equipment. I've shot 200 pictures in the last day, and not one of them turned out as well as what I see through my own two eyes. What I wouldn't give for a camera with as much clarity and depth of picture as the human eye. Alas, no such camera exists, and so you'll have to make due with the pictures I could take. Although I won't be uploading too many of them. This computer is very slow and so posting is pretty time consuming.

Here's the one I wanted to share with you today. This fine looking bird was walking down the shallows in the canal that runs through Honolulu. I think it's a heron, but I can't look it up until I get back home.

You may now take a moment to laugh at my thrown together copyright in the corner. This computer does not have the image software I'm used to. :)

Anyways, I am off to the pool.

God Bless,

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