Friday, September 29, 2006

A few more!

Hey all, I decided to a few more shots from my latest photo trip today. After this I'm going to need to go take some more, I sure hope the weather behaves, haha.

This is a random decorative metal thing... hehe.

This is one of my favourite view spots, it's always calm over here and the view is amazing!

Same shot as above, just played around with a bit, I wanted to post at least 3!

Hope you enjoyed these.
God Bless,

Monday, September 25, 2006

A few new shots!

Hey all, I decided to go out yesterday and shoot a few seeing as it was 25 degrees out, yay! These probably arn't the nicest shots ever as I couldn't go anywhere, so I just used my familiar coulee walk. I was trying to take shots of some more everyday things, so instead of nature, one of these is more of a random thing I found. I will have a few more in 3 or 4 days!

Heres a random scene with pretty clouds!

This is a chain and it's shadow... hey... I liked it :)

This is designed to make you dizzy.

Until next time then!

God Bless,

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Just one!

Hey all, I have managed to take a picture. It's not great, but it's a picture. As I've said before, school is pretty busy and the weather sucks, so I have no time for photography, when all is said and done, it's mostly a summer sport. I'll try to give you all a few shots now and then though :)

That is what the sky looked like right before this nasty weather started up, pretty gross, haha.

Sorry for the lack of pictures, I've been busy, so anyways, until next time,
God Bless,

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I appear to be out of pictures.

Well winter is coming and the weather is miserable, which means I won't have many pictures in the next while. I will try to continue posting on a regular basis, sometimes with photos and sometimes without. I will try to keep my posts at least mildly amusing. So today, I am digging up some random quotes and stuff... they're all really lame, but they made me laugh... but then again, thats not hard.

I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals. I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants.

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

If you can't fix it with duct tape, you haven't used enough.

And lastly the greatest homework excuse ever... I didn't do my homework because it was destroyed in a freak accident involving a hippo, a toaster and a bag of frozen peas. (I intend to use that at least once this year).

Anyways... that was sad, you can all go on with your lives now.

God Bless

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Who needs colour anyway?

Well everyone, seeing as it's getting colder, the pictures are going to slow down about now. My camera doesn't handle cold too well, and neither do I, haha. However, due to a request from one of my friends, I am going to post a few pictures with colours either removed or edited. So here they are.

Heres a shot thats just plain old black and white.

These next two are almost full black and white, this one wasn't quite stripped of it's colour, crows do have nice eyes after all.

Here's a flower, I just posted this shot recently, but not like this.

And last but not least, I simply went crazy with this shot. I'm not very good at this kind of editing so forgive the jagged edges.

Thats it for today,
God Bless,

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Some boring shots, hehe.

Hey all!

A few days ago I got some new photo gear, so I wanted to go test it out. Now the subjects I had in mind were birds, which I found none of, so I took a bunch of random shots instead. These are pretty boring shots, as the title says, so I hope you don't mind too much, hopefully I'll get some exciting shots soon!

Here is a plant in front of my house, if you look at the background, you can tell there is a building there, as opposed to just nature like most of my shots.

Here is a sunflower, I composed the picture just right to get the sunflower at a wierd angle, and then while looking over the shots, I realized I caught a Ladybug climbing the stem! :)

This is a leaf. Not much else to say.

Here is another sunflower, this was a big one... with a bee on it.

Hope you enjoyed these! God Bless!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Okay, I wasn't camping, but my friend was! So I went to visit him along with my trustee camera, there was a waterfall nearby, but it was a mean waterfall, so I didn't get any good shots of it. I did however, get these! Enjoy!

This is a river, it seemed quite serene compared to other parts of it, I thought it was pretty.

This is one of the less serene parts of the river, rapids however, also make very nice pictures!

And this is a bridge. I'm usually not much for architectural shots, but this looked nice to me!

Hope you liked my shots! God Bless!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A pretty river!

Hey all, I biked to a river about 5 minutes from where I live to eat food with my mom and brother, even though it's a cheesy man made river I managed to get a few pretty awesome pictures!

Heres a Funnel Spider, these things scared me silly, they're so fast and creepy.

This is a little red dragonfly. I found a pair on them mating but while mating dragonflies rarely land, so I was not able to get a clear shot.

This is a rock in focus with blurry water. Speaking artistically, this is a very bad photo, I liked it for some reason.

Hope you enjoyed this post,
God Bless,

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Good day to you all, sorry about the topic title. But I am rather excited. First of all, I took my three thousandth photo on the 1st, and Im proud of that. But more than that. I GOT A CAR! Yes indeed. I can't even drive on my own until November, but I have it! And it is rather nice, especially for a first car.

It is a 1993 Plymouth Colt with 150,000km on it. It has air condition in the form of a convienient handle used to roll down the windows. It has no clock in it, which is something I have never seen before, and the radio is pretty bad (first upgrade is definatly going to be a car stereo). I don't know much about cars, but I know it has a Mitsubishi engine, and is good on gas!!!

And theres the side view. It's even a blue car! Yay! And heres the best part. When we bought it, it already had half a tank of gas in it!!! Thats worth a lot of money!

Anyways, thats all I have for today, you get normal pictures in a few days.

God Bless,

Friday, September 01, 2006

A few quick shots!

Hey everyone! I was just outside taking a few shots last night, they arn't the best, but I figured I needed something to show you.

Here is one of the moon way up in the sky. I figured the moon was no good for close ups. So I decided to catch a bit of the sunset as well. Okay, so the sunset didn't really look like that. I'm kind of an artist, can't I play with my shots a bit?

This is my fire pit. I find myself very drawn to fire picture, they're so hard to get right! maybe someday I'll get some good ones.

This is kind of a neat shot. You'll have to click on it to see it properly. But I made it by stitching 10 other shots together. This is a big coulee view pretty close to where I live. Hope you like it!

Thats it for today, God Bless!