Thursday, October 26, 2006

Pictures! (That I didn't take)

Hey all!

I know I haven't posted in awhile! But I guess winter is just my off season. I prefer taking pictures when my hands don't freeze to the camera! However, just for your viewing pleasure, I have found two random pictures on the internet that I did not take and do not belong to me. I am posting here, hoping the photographer won't find me and well... I dunno what they could do, haha. They are very cute so I must show them to you. All credit goes to a photographer whose name I do not know.

Okay, number 1 here actually does have a copyright on the bottom. Whoever took this needs to lend me their bunny because it is so cute and I want to hug it.

Here is a kitten. I really don't need to say anymore, it's about the most adorable thing ever.

Just to make sure this is very clear. I did not take these. I only wish I took these. I just figured I needed to put some pictures up here, even if they arn't mine. Unfortunately, once it warms up and I start shooting again on a regular basis, nobody is going to care about my shots. (I showed you real talent, now what do I do...) Haha.

Anyways, I'm tired and I still have homework to do, so I will update again... whenever :)
God Bless,


Anonymous said...

Aww. Keilan you have talent! NOt many people are blessed with the gift that you have!

Anonymous said...

I've only seen the second one before. They are adorable... But you need some... PUPPIES!! up there!! Please, as a special request?! :P

KeilanS said...

I'm sorry anonymous but I do not have any puppy pictures. I have a weakness for kitties and bunnies, and as cute as they are, I just don't love puppies like kitties.