Anyways, I've been playing with a new operation system called Ubuntu. One of it's features involves a built-in spellcheck, which is showing me just how terrible my spelling really is. :P
So I'll show you briefly what it looks like. This is my desktop.
So not too different from your standard Windows desktop. Not very pretty yet either, I'm going to change those grey bars soon. Oh, did I not mention? In Ubuntu you can change anything. Yes that's right, anything. At least as far as I can tell. :P For example, I have no doubt I could change all my desktop icons into little labelled flowers. I'm not sure why I'd want to, but I could.
Anyways, this is where it starts getting cool. If my first desktop gets too cluttered (this is a 13" laptop. it happens) I switch to my second desktop. Or my third or fourth. And if I wanted, I could have 50. :P I do this using a rotating cube.

There it is. As you can see, I am viewing one site on the left face and another on the right face. And underneat them, you can see the back of a window opened on the third face. As always, this is infinitely customizable. Want a triangle instead of a cube? Check. Or a 17 sided object? Check. Or the background, it can be whatever you want. Mine is a forest.
Okay, I'm probably boring you. Unless you're a computer enthusiast who stumbled on this blog by mistake. So last picture.

This is one of my windows burning up. Obviously it looks smoother when it's moving. When I hit the X in the corner, my windows burn up. Or fall over backwarps, or beam up into space, or explode into fragments. Whatever I want really. :P
Anyways, that is my recent time-waster. I'll let you go back to your lives now.
God Bless,