Thursday, March 15, 2007

More Pictures!

Hello everyone, two weeks is long enough, so I have even more pictures, again from the zoo. The weather is warming up though, eventually I'll gather to motivation to go outside. Anyways, first my boring life update. It was really foggy this morning, and I love fog so that was good. I also have a good book and little homework. :) Anyone interested in reading a probably boring book, pick up Genesis in Space and Time by Francis Schaeffer. Or don't, it really doesn't matter. Anyways, here are pictures!
Does this really require a comment? It is an adorable monkey eating a carrot. And this guy didn't make it easy to get a portrait either. It was either hiding in a dark corner or moving too fast to get a shot at.
This is a caribou. The kind you hear about the Inuit hunting, I had never actually seen one until I went to the zoo.
Sorry about the sidewaysness of this picture. It is a male snowy owl and I think it looks absolutely amazing. The lighting isn't lovely either, but I had to work with what I had.
This is a spoonbilled something or other. I really liked it. And it stood on a log about 5 feet away and posed for us for like ten minutes, so I took very many shots of it.
Well, I hope you all liked the pictures,
God Bless,


Anonymous said...

The owl and caribu are absolutely amazing! So is that bird and monkey, but those two really caught me eyes. I love them. =] Good jobbbb! :D

Anonymous said...

I think that might have been my post already, but for some reason I don't remember if I posted on this one or not. But I liked the snowy owl and the caribou the mostest because they're two of my most favouritist animals! Greaaaat Pictures!