I am in a rather good mood right now! Good music, and looking at birds. I love birds. Anyways, we recently bought a new birdfeeder, and the birds completely ignored it for 3 days, then came in flocks! However, they didn't make it easy to get pictures of them.
Everytime I saw them, I grabbed my camera and went outside. Apparently even from the deck, quite a distance away, it was enough to scare them, so they all flew away. I went back inside, they came back. So I went out again, and they flew away. It was quite a problem. Then I had a stroke of genius. I set up my monstrous tripod on the deck, aimed my camera and told it to take a picture every 10 seconds. It did so, and I went inside. It then proceeded to take 300 pictures, many of them including birds.
I have now sorted through them, and found these 3 that I'd like to show off!
These are two birds sharing food. I found it especially amusing, because in the next shot (which if you remember, is 10 seconds later), those same two birds are puffed up and trying to stare each other down. :)
These were some of the coolest shots I had. Birds in flight. Unfortunately the birds wings move too fast to get a still image but it looks neat none the less.
Sometimes the bird feeder had quite a few birds on it at once (plus a few spectators in the tree). Here is a shot with quite a crowd.
Anyways, thats it for today! More later in the summer of this bird feeder I hope.
God Bless,