A few more pictures from a walk this morning... man those mosquitos are bad. Haha, enjoy the pictures!
A strange little flower

A pretty little blue flower, theres something seriously wrong with this shot, I just can't tell what it is... contrast or something.

I really have no idea what kind of butterfly this is, it's pretty though. :)

This one is a panoramic shot from about 10 shots stitched together. It's a tad distorted since I'm using a cheap freeware image stitcher.

Well thats about it for today, I have work again so I couldn't take many, and the bugs are less than friendly. I also wanted to address one of the comments to my last post. About using my pictures that is. If you want to use any picture here as a background or something like that on your computer, I am perfectly okay with that. And if anybody wants to use these pictures on their own website or blog, I am okay with that too, under the condition that somewhere you mention the blog you took them from. (This one).
Happy blogging,