Thursday, February 21, 2008

What a view!

Well I'm still in Hawaii, and I figured it was time for another blog post.

I've been taking plenty of pictures (and even a video of some crazy fish, more on that once I get home). Unfortunately I still can't really share the pictures because it takes so long to upload. I will put up one of the view from my hotel room.

Nice, eh? The only problem with being on such a high floor is that fact that approximately 92% of my vacation is spend waiting for, or being inside an elevator. And the elevators at the hotel are psychotic. They greatly enjoy randomly taking you to the floor one level higher than the one you want to be at. So we have walked the stairs from 16 to 15 countless times.
There are also tons of cool animals here. Beautiful birds are plentiful and we went snorkling yesterday where I saw some of the most amazing fish ever. I was half a foot away from a fish that was 2 feet long a few times. Very cool.
Anyways, that's all for today.
God Bless,

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Hello everyone!

One of the biggest problems a photographer faces is the lack of great equipment. I've shot 200 pictures in the last day, and not one of them turned out as well as what I see through my own two eyes. What I wouldn't give for a camera with as much clarity and depth of picture as the human eye. Alas, no such camera exists, and so you'll have to make due with the pictures I could take. Although I won't be uploading too many of them. This computer is very slow and so posting is pretty time consuming.

Here's the one I wanted to share with you today. This fine looking bird was walking down the shallows in the canal that runs through Honolulu. I think it's a heron, but I can't look it up until I get back home.

You may now take a moment to laugh at my thrown together copyright in the corner. This computer does not have the image software I'm used to. :)

Anyways, I am off to the pool.

God Bless,