This time I don't have the excuse of being too busy. I've been fairly busy, but not enough that I don't have a few free hours in a day. Mostly I just haven't been taking pictures. Before I complained about too cold, but after a full month of 30-35 degree weather (85-90 fahrenheit for my american friends) with peaks at 40 degrees (just over 100), I am sick and tired of the heat.
On the bright side, my job is usually outdoors, so I prefer very hot over freezing wind and rain. Anyways, I'm sure you're sick and tired of hearing about me. But I'm not done yet. I also wanted to thank everyone who keeps coming here. Despite not having a post since July 9th, I have still had around 100 views between then and now. Not bad. Thank you everyone! I will reward you with some fairly decent pictures.
My family visited a place nearby where they keep birds and allow the public to view them. Mostly to view them panting (that is something I learnt, birds pant like dogs when they are warm, it's very cool to watch). So anyways, here are some of the pictures!
Here is an owl who happens to be squinting at me. I'm actually amazed at how this picture turned out considering the owl was in a dimly lit shelter hiding from the heat.
This is a golden eagle who was tied down out in the open. He didn't move too much but was VERY big. Probably 3 feet tall.
And finally, this is a bald eagle. This one was enormous and very threatening-looking. Thankfully it was tied down and couldn't take a bite out of me. It was nice to see one up close; the few times I have seen them in the wild they are at quite a distance.
That's it for today.
God Bless,